The "Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn. My sons responded so well to this book.
We had recently moved across country. It was the night before they were beginning at a new school. They didn't know anyone in their new classrooms. I read it to them individually at their bedtimes.
In a nutshell, the story is about a little raccoon going to school for the first time. His mom teaches him the secret of the "kissing hand." She opens up his hand and places a kiss in his palm. She then places his hand on his cheek. She then explains, whenever he is at school and feels alone, he just needs to place his hand on his cheek to remember his Mommy loves him.
When I read this book to my 6 year old son, I gave him a kiss in the palm of his hand and put it on his cheek. He proceed to take my hand and place a kiss in my palm and put it on my cheek. It was awesome! I then read it to my 8 year old son. When I kissed his palm he said "I just felt love go through my hand, go up my arm, and explode into my heart!"
What can I say? I love this book. I will definitely be reading it again to my kids the night before school starts this fall. I know libraries have copies. It's also printed in different languages. If for some reason you can't get ahold of the book, you at least have a quick summary, and now you know the secret of the "kissing hand" and can share it with your children.
Keep up the good work Beautiful Mommies!
Rosa, Mommy Tips